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Joomla! falsely reports Magic_Quotes set to On

All our shared server environments have Magic_Quotes set to OFF, Joomla! will however report otherwise as Joomla! uses one of these functions (See article: Why are exec(), system() disabled in a shared server environment) to check if Magic_quotes is set to on or off, in turns out Joomla does not get to see this information and thus reports falsely that it's on. It is in fact off and if you have any problems installing Joomla! for your website due to strict pre-setup rules of Joomla! 3.0. 

We have a solution for this. Instead of installing Joomla! by using a downloadable compressed archive from their site, please use our up-to-date Softaculous installer. This feature can be conveniently located within your cPanel under Softwares section. There you can install the latest version of Joomla! with one time click and bypass this error message since this requirement is met.
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Kapcsolódó cikkek

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