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Is it possible for me to change the server time?

The server clock is set to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). You cannot change the time on a shared servers.

You can however change the time zone being displayed with a PHP script. Below you can see sample codes that can be placed within your php scripts to change the displayed time to the visitor. Unfortunately there is no way for us to tell you exactly where to place it as it can vary script to script.

<?php putenv("TZ=Europe/Amsterdam"); ?>

<?php date_default_timezone_set("America/Los_Angeles"); ?>

You can set the timezone in .htaccess as well. (You can create a New File and name it ".htaccess", or you can edit the existing one. The .htaccess file belongs in /public_html/ - or a subdirectory if for a subdomain or addon domain). Add the line:

SetEnv TZ Europe/London ( or any other timezone you prefer to use )

A list of supported timezones can be found here
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